Pretty Little Liars: A Dangerous gAme (2013)
Season 3, Episode 24
June 11, hurry up!
20 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This episode contained all the best elements of PLL: suspense, humor, drama, & massive surprises. Here are some the biggest shocks:

1) Toby is alive! I think we all knew it. If he was really truly dead I would have been forced to check into Radley Sanatarium myself. But, fortunately, such drastic measures aren't necessary. Not only is Toby still alive, but he and Spencer got back together!!!! Two of my favorite scenes from this episode were "Spoby" scenes. The first was when Toby met up with A in the bar, not expecting to see Spencer. Holy crap. Both actors were brilliant. Seriously, hats off to Troian Bellisario (she's always awesome, but hasn't her acting been Oscar-worthy this season?!?) and Keegan Allen!! Anyway, the next scene between them was at a motel. What's up with this show and motels? Regardless, they pretty much made up. Spencer was still clearly upset: "But if I saw you hurting the way that I know you saw me....." though she definitely forgave him. They end up sleeping together, while the song "Ride" plays in the background. Seriously, how could you NOT love a Spoby makeup sex scene with a Lana Del Rey song. It's pure synergistic perfection ;)

2) Shawna who? An interesting but confusing plot point involved Shawna, Jenna, and Melissa. How, exactly, are they involved? And honestly, who is this Shawna girl anyway? I feel like she suspiciously popped up out of nowhere. I'm curious to find out how this trio is involved with A.

3) Aria and Ezra. For people who love this couple, this episode is sad. For those who don't, you'll be fine. I'm rather neutral; I'm rooting for them, but they really need some space. More than just a couple episodes of space. I think they need half a season at least, at least! But we'll have to see where this relationship goes (especially with Ezra now teaching, and all that jazz). I must say this breakup was refreshing and should breath some life back into their story, which has felt stale lately. Random note: the scene on the stairs was a reference to the Pilot. If you don't remember, I suggest you re-watch the very first episode, and you'll know what I'm talking about. A fun walk down memory lane. So much as happened...

4) RED COAT!!! Despite the brief red herring (no pun intended) that Hanna is Red Coat, we soon realize it was just a trap between Aria, Hanna, and Emily to prove that Spencer is still on their side. The true Red Coat reveal is....drum roll....Alison!!!! Or is it? Well, I can't really say I was surprised. There have been numerous hints about Alison being alive. Which begs the question of the Twin Theory, Courtney pretending to be the real Alison. A fascinating twist! There have been several hints- the Halloween story & little ghost girl, Alison's statement in the last episode that "you didn't even know me when you knew me" and "girls fight way worse than boys." Hmm....

5) Is Mona....good? This episode certainly made it seem like both Toby and Mona are just as victimized by Big A as our four girls are.....but of course, this show is called Pretty Little LIARS for a reason. You never know who to believe in Rosewood. It may all have been an act (and Mona sure is good at acting...), but I really did get the impression her fears were sincere. The same goes for Toby.

6) Who/what is in the trunk of Wilden's car? Time will tell. June 11th, please hurry up!!

7) Missing characters & seemingly abandoned story lines: I was really happy to see Jenna's return, it's been much too long! But when will we see Lucas again? Will we ever see characters like Mike Montgomery or Holden return? Where's CeCe and Detective Wilden? Nohl Kahn? Will Ian Thomas ever come back in a flashback or something? When will we learn more about what happened to Garret? And of course, where is Jason?! Let's hope these questions will be answered in due time. And I would love to know more about Alison as "Vivian Darkbloom" (I'm a massive Nabokov and Lolita fan!), and if she really is A, was she faking those texts back in the first Halloween episode? So many questions!!


For all you Hitchcock fans out there (and if you aren't, why aren't you? He was- is - a GENIUS. Go watch one of his movies!), this episode was an homage to "North by Northwest." Clever little references, just like the season 2 finale w/ "Psycho." It's not that you need to be familiar with the plot of North by Northwest, but if you have seen it, you'll appreciate the allusions.

Lots of resurrections in this episode. Toby, Alison, and even Wilden's car. Yep, that's Rosewood. This show seems more like "The Walking Dead" with each episode ;)

Great music. I know I already mentioned "Ride," but this episode had some other excellent songs such as "Invisible" by Plumb. I feel like so many shows and movies don't get enough recognition for their music, so I'm taking this moment to say thanks to the artists and producers who created and choose this excellent, powerful music.

Lastly, I feel it's only natural to reflect on Season 3 as a whole, since this was the finale. I think this season was strong, though 3A felt a bit slow. This was also the soapiest of all 3 seasons- but that's not a bad thing. The acting has gotten so good. As long as you can suspend disbelief and not take everything so seriously, this show is smart, consistent, and full of twists and turns. I trust the writers know where they're going and are excited for us to find everything out.

Until June 11!
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