Amber Alert (2012)
Don't DO THIS!
23 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Well, that was an hour+ of my life I'm not getting back anytime soon. The makers of this film started with a promising situation but then failed in every conceivable way bringing that situation to the screen. As with all other "found footage" movies, the story begins with a simple situation which gives reason to why the characters have a video camera. After that everything goes downhill ... fast! The characters behave in the most unrealistic ways possible! In fact, there should be a crawler at the beginning of the film stating that the characters in the film DID EVERYTHING WRONG!!! First, was the constant bickering. This was apparently in the dialogue to increase the believability, but in fact, it makes the viewer want to strangle the stupid female lead SFL (at least in my case) The characters do not do a single thing logically. Seriously! NOT ONE THING! They call the police, but ignore the advice they are given. They are told the only follow the car at a safe distance and NOT confront the driver. What do they do? They TAILGATE the driver and CONFRONT him!! More stupidity: They don't even continue calling the police! Instead of screaming at each other, the SFL should have been on the phone constantly with the police (logical). The stupid male lead SML character is another idiot for KNOWING that what they were doing was stupid, but continuing to do it simply because the SFL nagged him to. Grow a pair dude! AFTER they tell the cop what's happening the SFL nags the SML into NOT doing what makes sense (bringing the tape to the sheriff's dept.) and instead go on a wild goose chase searching for the car. The SML constantly yells that "He's not a cop" yet acts otherwise. The SML and the SFL break into the house against police orders. They know nothing about the layout of the house, the bad guy is probably armed and what were they going to do if they confronted the guy? They find A lot of loaded guns in the house yet they just leave them alone. They don't arm themselves when common sense screams otherwise! When the car alarm goes off, they just kinda hang out inside instead of beating a retreat out of the house Again, this was a movie where instead of rooting for the "good guys" the viewer really just wants the good guys to just die and get it over with. The people behind this movie should not be allowed to film anything ever again. The people "acting" in this piece of crap should be forced to burn their SAG cards and promise to never do this again.
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