Review of Infected

Infected (II) (2013)
11 April 2013
This movie was so bad. Really, really bad. It's like watching one of those crappy, instantly forgettable 1980's creature features but without the charm.

This is a siege movie and there isn't really anything more to the plot. People are infected with a zombie-like virus and attack our heroes, who are all hanging out at that eternal target of flesh eating monsters, a remote farm house.

Michael Madsen and William Forsythe are featured prominently as a couple of tough old hunters and both are bad, although different kinds of bad. Madsen gives the same gravelly, slightly disinterested performance he's been doing since Kill Bill. Forysthe goes the other route, with a weird piece of crazy over acting that left me feeling embarrassed for the talented character actor. Christy Romano, child star of Even Stevens and of Mirrors 2, is literally the only good piece of the cast and she is really trying to do good work. She doesn't have that much screen time though.

This flick has crappy picture quality, lame effects, laughable dialog, and is all around terrible. Just avoid it. It isn't even funny.
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