Infected (II) (2013)
My Review Of "Infected" 2013
19 April 2013
"Infected" is the standard virus related zombie flick of modern horror. The film is directed by Glenn Ciano who also wrote the story and screenplay for the movie. It deals with a father and son on a weekend retreat with loved ones at the precipice of a viral outbreak that results in aggressive flesh eaters. It stars Michael Madsen, William Forsythe, Tom DeNucci, Christy Romano and Kristi Lynn.

"Infected" is a standard outbreak-zombie story that manages to tell a pretty good, entertaining nightmare scenario despite the fact that it offers nothing new to the genre. The acting is acceptable, although some of the cast have the cred to warrant a much better performance than they gave to this film. The biggest and most exciting aspect of the film for me was the title sequence with hottie-Tom DeNucci given us total porn fantasy in the tool shop. Man I could have watched two hours of him doing that! All that was missing was the cold water splash down after working up such a sweat. That sequence followed by the climax portion of the film where we return back to that swooning moment of the story really pleased me – a lot! (yeah I know-total perv here!) Anyway this doesn't negate the fact that the acting and story was pretty well written and directed by Ciano.

The film did have very basic stripped down special effects which at times fail the film but for the most part they work just fine-quite frankly I am just thankful that the movie didn't rely totally on CGI! The character driven moments that are intended to build suspense and emotional investment for the viewer seems to fall flat at moments, coming across more as over-exaggerated. However for the most part the complete result of the films ability to hold my attention was executed. I never really found my thoughts wondering and I never became bored with the story. It is a really decent zombie outbreak film that also does nothing to detract from the genre that may seem over stuffed with the undead at the moment. I enjoyed the film, the action, the zombies, all in all the film is one of the better zombie flicks. I really liked the more stripped down, organic approach to horror that this film used to tell this story. Plus as I stated earlier that beginning sequence and end was hot! Wish there would have been more of that and of Tom DeNucci sexually exploited in the main portion of the movie but hey – it is horror not porn.
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