30 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What happens when you manage to round up 7-8 people who criticize a movement? "Occupy Unmasked." One of the most disgusting works of crapoganda I have witnessed since old Hitler Youth footage (which, by the way, the makers would love for you to believe that the Occupy movement is along those very same lines). Here, you see the same old, tired arguments about communism, socialism, anarchism, etc. without the slightest attempt to even explain these ideologies (within Occupy or in sociohistorical contexts overall). It's blatant, angering, insulting, and, while containing an element of truth in some respects, goes exceedingly out of its way to force feed the viewer a large dose of b.s. The filmmakers go to great lengths to make the Occupy participants look like a bunch of idiotic trust-fund babies out to, essentially, rape and destroy without ever even knowing what they are fighting against. Interestingly, it pinpoints "anti-capitalism" sentiments but, and it would be funny if were not so terribly stupid, mentions nothing of neoliberal policies, the very REAL downfalls of capitalism, terrible political decisions and subsequent wars, the fact that the college students they condemn (particularly because of their "trust funds") may in fact be gambling the prospect of a decent job vs. student loans and long-term debt, and so on and so on. Anyway, it's garbage and as a student in the midst of ever increasing debt and with bank accounts with institutions that charge me just to have a checking account while enticing me to take out loans with them, my personal opinion is that this film is an example of clueless contradictions; catering to others who, for instance, care more about their guns than the actual constitution. If you do decide to waste time watching this film here's a fun game to play: count the number of times you hear the word "left," or its derivatives, mentioned. In fact, it would make a very fun and effective drinking game.
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