A real ass wiper.
2 May 2013
After the disappointing Iron Man 2, I came into this film with high expectations. Needless to say, I am profoundly and utterly in shock at how average the movie is. It's not that it's all bad per se, but the screenwriters thought that by putting lots of comedy in an action movie juxtaposed with the seriousness and verisimilitude of a Tom Clancy novel that this would work. It didn't. The little side-kick kid was absolutely terrible; although I don't know if it was a cheap gimmick to get more parents with their kids to see it, or cater to that specific demographic, I'm not sure. But they need to stop. I wouldn't have minded if said side-kick was a teenager or someone in their early 20's, THAT would've made a whole lot of sense. All I could say is what was Shane Black thinking?!?!?! This film would've been a lot better if they skimmed the comedy bits and focused more on the story and characters; especially the villains. Although the special effects and action are really impressive, they cannot make up for the uneven and disorienting screenplay.

I don't know what to think. Should you skip this movie? Tough choice, but all if you want is something to pass the time, then go for it.(I recommend the matinée) If you're the kind of person that wants story and character development above all else, then you will be disappointed. It's a shame really because Iron Man is a really cool superhero and the first film was a blast to watch. It's MILES ahead better than this one. You're probably better off watching the first film, or wait for Star Trek: Into Darkness or the eagerly anticipated Man of Steel. Iron Man has depth and integrity along with a high dash of wit and charm. Yes the charm is there, but there's no juicy meat.
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