Thoda Desi, Thodi Bilaayati
24 May 2013
A group of seven English retirees visit Jaipur , India with diverse immediate purpose – ranging from searching for a long-lost-contact friend to getting a hip-bone surgery at an low cost- But all of them have a common longing.. search for a future of their choice, unlike their past. None of them is comfortable financially and so they check in into a not-so-prosperous hotel. Their initial unease slowly vanishes , as they discover undiluted pleasure at no cost. The best thing about the movie is that it is never dull. The pace is smooth. No sudden twists or turns. Humor and emotion blend in the equal measure. The performance of Judi Dench and Maggie Smith is flawless. They look as charming as their younger counterpart Tena Desae. Dev Patel , as the optimistic owner/manager is impressive. ( Definitely not ) The Best ( not so ) Exotic Marigold Hotel is an enjoyable movie for the entire family. For those who see Jaipur, India only through this movie, it may come as a surprise that Jaipur, despite its dusty busy streets ( as shown in the movie ), is one the most beautiful cities of India, fondly and rightly named "Pink City". It has beautiful landscapes, gardens, lakes, breathtaking palaces and many really "exotic" hotels in affordable prices. The food and hospitality have to be experienced to be appreciated. Shopping in this city can be memorable.
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