Fairly enjoyable but not exceptional
30 May 2013
Pink, Plunk, Plink is really not really among the Pink Panther's best cartoons and did have potential to be much more. The previous reviewers have summed up Pink, Plunk, Plink very well, and this review is not going to add much to what has already been said. The story's set-up is nice if rather unoriginal, but it does come across as thin and routine. Much of the cartoon is Pinky and the conductor trying to outsmart one another, not much different from other Pink Panther cartoons actually, and it is one of those that has some funny moments but it's never hilarious and the fun is not consistent or sustained throughout really. The conductor I also found to be annoying. However, Pinky is still cool and fun, and still a strong character to carry his cartoons. The animation is crisp and clean and elegantly coloured, while the music is still catchy and upbeat, fitting with the antics wonderfully. The theme tune for one so iconic is also infectious. The ending is very cute and unlike other endings of the Pink Panther cartoons, and it was nice to catch a glimpse of Henry Mancini in the audience. All in all, fairly enjoyable but I've seen better. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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