Ciao! Edie
9 June 2013
Ciao! Manhattan is an underground film starring former Warhol Superstar Edie Sedgwick. Edie was one of those troubled rich girls who died young because they only found solace in drugs and booze. Certainly an interesting individual. Of course, for me it is difficult to respect any "socialite" since the ones we've had the last two decades have given these people a bad name.

Ciao! Manhattan is a combination of two films: a black-and-white production made shortly after Sedgwick's exit from the Warhol Superstars from 1966-67 and color footage from 1970-71. Sedgwick plays herself, albeit with the name of Susan Superstar as she lives in a tent in the pool of her Mom's mansion, boozing and drugging herself to death while some drifter from Texas named Butch half-listens and half-dreams while she talks about her sordid life in New York.

I found the film to be 90 minutes of druggy dialogue. Ms. Sedgwick was clearly drugged up during the color segments. You needed subtitles to understand what she and Butch were saying. I also saw it as an overlong YouTube video where somebody is pleading for help. She's asking in vain for somebody to help her and the clowns who are supposed to listen to her cries for help are too busy screwing around.

Sadly for Edie, her entire 28 years were a total mess. I doubt even today you could save her. She was the Amy Winehouse of her day.

These people associated with Andy Warhol were quite an eclectic group and it is certainly worth watching any material you can find of them to see what the excesses of the 1960's did to them. I still wonder what happened to those drug addicts in the Roliing Stones' CS Blues but we already know what happened to Ms. Sedgwick.
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