Varsity Show (1937)
Dated But Fun
11 June 2013
This movie probably won't appeal to anyone under the age of 50 - the generation gap is too great. College boys in shirts and ties, girls in saddle shoes and calf-length skirts, and riding around in 'jalopies' with topical slogans on them - not today. And the cast of this picture contains some of the oldest college kids ever seen on campus. But, if you are of a certain age, it all works.

There is a great deal of energy in each scene, which is how it would be on a college campus, and there are some very tuneful songs to be found, although most of them forgotten. The most durable is probably "She's Working Her Way Through College", but several others were written by Richard Whiting and Johnny Mercer. In addition, here is a chance to see Buck and Bubbles, a legendary song and dance team. They differed from the Nicholas Brothers, who were strictly dancers. Buck and Bubbles both sang, both danced and both played the piano, hence a more talented team.

The story is unimportant, about Dick Powell returning to his alma mater to help put on a show, but the cast is good and the pace is brisk. Two of the Lane sisters are the female leads opposite Powell and comic relief is done in heavy-handed fashion by Ted Healy. There is also lots of able support, and there is a great finale provided by none other than Busby Berkeley. There is lots to like in "Varsity Show", a better-than-average musical of its kind.
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