Brilliant drama, David Tennant was extraordinary
13 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Brilliant drama, a gripping and extraordinary film about politics, power, and political marriages. David Tennant (Aiden Hoynes) and Emily Watson (Freya Hoynes) are brilliant in this film, in roles that are not typical for either one as their characters are not nice people. In fact most of the characters in this film are not nice people. David Tennant portrays Aiden with a very sinister side but with a touch of humanity. Almost all the really emotional scenes belong to Tennant who portrays them with perfection. Emily Watson is brilliant but could have portrayed a little more emotion. Ed Stoppard as Bruce Babbish is chilling, with friends like that you don't need enemies. The performances by all the actors are outstanding. Many of the tender moments in this film are between Aiden and his father, and Aiden and his son. Be aware that their are some strong sexual references in this film and including one very violet sex act at the beginning of part 2 between Tennant and Watson. A very good look at the seedy side of politics. The ending could have been a little better and the dialog could have been better,well worth watching and owning.
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