The Innocents (1961)
Hollywood's second or third greatest spook film
23 June 2013
There has been much discussion over the years as to whether this film or Robert Wise's THE HAUNTING (1963) qualify as Hollywood's greatest ghost movie.

I have to vote for THE HAUNTING.

Yes, THE INNOCENTS is a stylistic masterpiece, but somehow, every time I watch it, THE INNOCENTS seems to me a series of macabre vignettes brilliantly realized. But the narrative of THE HAUNTING seems to hold together better.

Jack Clayton's direction and Freddie Francis' camera-work for THE INNOCENTS are indeed stunning,and the kids are great. Yet I'm never compelled by the actual ectoplasmic motives and find myself irritated by Deborah Kerr's overly actress-y, stagey performance.

But, hey, it's an impressive film nonetheless.
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