hilarious witch-hunting fail
7 July 2013
two groups will watch this:

1. Breitbartians who believe his bizarrely vengeful, unrelenting attacks (FBI snitch Brandon Darby* was heavily involved here, with a personal vendetta against his former comrades who (surprise!) voiced anger upon learning of their misplaced trust in a manipulative informant)on the Occupy movement. 2. Occupiers looking for a laugh and a chance to see their friends who were clueless enough to respond to leading "interviews" and were rewarded by being taken out of context.

For the rest of the world--even those who opposed Occupy--the premise that the movement had vast, sinister implications is too silly to spend time on. Whether it be Tea Party or OWS, intensely partisan interests just can't help stretching their distaste for the politics of the OTHER into unbelievable narratives. Those of us who harbor a healthy distrust for our UNrepresentative government won't be swayed by such overt maneuvers to divide and conquer.

*For more on Brandon Darby, I highly recommend the documentary "Better this World"
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