Review of Honor

Cold Case: Honor (2005)
Season 3, Episode 8
Once again, horrible camera tricks spoil an episode.
19 July 2013
I have enjoyed most episodes of "Cold Case". However, tonight I watched two re-runs that really annoyed me. "Start-up" and "Honor" (both November, 2005). Perhaps the problem occurred in other shows--but in this case it was two in a row. Both had camera tricks that simply made the shows nauseating--especially as I watched them on a 58" TV. In "Honor", there were two huge problem: the flashback scenes and the spinning camera (also seen in "Start-up"). In the flashbacks to 1973, it appears as if the film was digitized and deliberately made to look VERY choppy. I have no idea why they did this--back in 1973, things were NOT like this and the look didn't help the plot at all. As for the spinning camera, while it's an impressive trick, it also is nausea-inducing. The camera literally does 360s around the folks in some scenes again and again. Nice...but hard on the eyes.

As for the show, it's not a bad episode. It involves a dead ex-POW from the Vietnam War. Now that a bunch of i.d. bracelets have been discovered, the case is re-opened and the case details the story of a guy who was broken while in one of these camps. Exactly who was responsible for this guy's murder is something you'll have to find out for yourself. A decent tribute to the guys who served and a strong indictment about freaks who pretend that they were POWs. Worth watching...provided you don't mind closing your eyes from time to time!
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