Review of Rabbit Test

Rabbit Test (1978)
Billy Crystal's film debut in Rabbit Test is interesting...and nothing more
25 July 2013
In continuing to review "SNL"ers early in their movie careers, I'm back at 1978 with the review of something called Rabbit Test. This marked the theatrical feature film debut of Billy Crystal. He has an interesting career concerning "Saturday Night Live": He was in the premiere of ABC's "Saturday Night Live with Howard Cosell" when that show had its initial airing in September of 1975. He was also supposed to appear in the first show of "NBC's Saturday Night"-so called because of the ABC show I mentioned-but was cut for time and he wouldn't edit his scheduled routine. Crystal later performed on it when Ron Nesson hosted. He then moved to Los Angeles where he got his big break as Jody Dallas-the first openly gay character on network TV-on "Soap". After that show's cancellation, NBC aired his "The Billy Crystal Show" but that variety show was short-lived. During the 1983-84 season, "SNL" had him guest host and when that went well, he appeared a couple more times in the season before becoming a cast member the following fall. With that out to the way, I'm now reviewing this movie which was possibly made before "Soap" since it was released during that show's first season. Billy plays a man who ends up becoming the first of his gender to get pregnant. Co-written and directed by Joan Rivers, I found myself self-consciously laughing and then cringing at many of the jokes and scenes. It's pretty bad and many of the stereotypes presented here can leave a pretty bad taste in your mouth though some of the players, like Imogene Coca or Paul Lynde, make some of it funny by their reactions or line delivery. As for Crystal, he's charismatic enough wading through what his character goes through being amusing here and there but it's easy to see why he wouldn't have a real movie career until "SNL" made him relevant again. So on that note, Rabbit Test is worth a look and nothing more. P.S. Rivers is pretty funny in her cameo as a nurse and, in another "SNL" connection, Jane Curtin's cousin Valerie also appeared here though I had to look at the cast list to find out what she played...
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