90 minutes spent with a terribly unlikeable lead actor is fun for no one.
26 July 2013
The biggest problem with this movie is that it is about nothing that anyone cares about. The main character in the movie is a self-important, wealthy jerk who spends the movie treating those around him like crap and being nasty to the one girl who puts up with it.... and for some reason the movie acts like we are expected to like him.

The woman keeps putting up with his crap and emotional mindgames and what have you, and rather than being a deconstruction of the typical rom-com, the movie plays it straight and expects us to cheer and leave with a smile when it reaches its all too predictable ending.

None of this would make the movie unwatchable, in and of themselves, no, what makes the movie unwatchable is that it just isn't funny. Most of the so-called 'jokes' fall flat, they are predictable and considering all the cutting edge comedies released over the past few years, it makes this one just seem absolutely pathetic by comparison.

Another insult is that the film has all these so-called 'cutting edge' 'hip' bands to play on the soundtrack which just becomes distracting as the songs become gratuitous by playing for way too long. Couple this with pointless shots of Melbourne city and the train line, shots which go on for way too long and serve no narrative function, and you have one of the worst movies to ever come out of Australia.

If you wanted to prove to people that Australian cinema was not a joke and was not dying then don't show them this movie, as you would make your own point invalid. What a waste of potential.
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