The worst of all werewolf movies
12 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A small Texas town is stalked by a predator which may be the legendary chubacabra. Meanwhile a frustrated teenage girl struggles to rise above her surroundings and forge a life for herself, while her father plots to murder his shrewish wife using the strange animalistic killings as a cover.

If you're wondering what any of that has to do with a werewolf, you're not alone. Despite the deceptive title, this is not a werewolf movie, though that little bit of disingenuous marketing is the least of this film's problems. Anyone who watches horror/sci-fi/fantasy movies in any quantity finds some real losers now and then, but this is one of the worst, and probably the worst so-called "werewolf" film I've ever had the misfortune of sitting through. The effects are woeful, and although the various killings are gruesome they aren't very effective in terms of generating suspense. The monster--chubacapra, werewolf, whatever--is pretty pitiful, but not as pitiful as the script, acting, and directing. The characters are all incredibly unlikeable, especially our heroine, a slutty, self-righteous brat who thinks she's too good for her parents and basically everyone else but who is at least as bad as any of them. The only interesting aspect of the whole movie is the subplot involving the guy who wants to use the chubacabra killings to cover up murdering his wife, but this humorous plot point is only a fraction of the overall script and doesn't really go anywhere. To top it all off, the ending is a typical cheat. Who knows, maybe there was a sequel planned but fortunately we've been spared that...so far. I have no problem with low-budget b-movies and I realize such films face many obstacles, all of which may not be successfully overcome, but sometimes you see a movie so bad you have to wonder if the people involved even attempted to make anything decent. Trust me, no matter how much you like b-movies in general or werewolves in particular, this is one werewolf film you don't need to watch.
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