Only a few Redeeming Parts of this Movie...
20 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
And yes, they involve the women wearing tight-fitting or revealing costumes...

That said, there's little else in the film that makes it good. The plot is about as complex as something you'd get out of elementary school. The acting is minimal; Milla Jovovich likes her character, but at this point what else is there to say about Alice? The rest of the cast does an adequate job. The action is almost non-stop, but its all been done before. Even the creatures are all re-treads. The setting is a mishmash between the first and second movies...with a slight, but minor twist.


The plot is essentially that Alice has been captured and needs to be saved so she can save humanity...oops, that's not it exactly, but everyone knows that if they have seen the other films in this series. We're told that Alice can help find the weapon. Of course Alice has to fight her way through the maze of the under-ice base (which the Umbrella Corporation took ownership from COBRA after GI JOE defeated them in the first GI JOE movie). Wesker somehow survived, and is now a good guy. He sends a team to save Alice, most of whom end up dying as is usually the case. The big "shocks" of the movie aren't the zombies or the super-creatures, but the appearances of previously-dead characters. As it turns out they are just clones. There's some attempt to make the scenes where they all meet cool, but you just end up not caring. They might as well be masked faceless goons who die by the dozen in every shootout. Speaking of which...it always amazes me how the main characters are impervious to bullets (except when a character needs a convenient wound).

The best part of the movie is the last 3 minutes or so when we get the glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel for this series...though we've been fooled before. This is a series that could have - and should have - been wrapped up about 2 movies ago. I mean think about, the first film set up the world of Resident Evil, the second really displayed the new Alice...the third film should have been Alice being the savior of mankind or something...instead we've had a series of plodding movies that lose all their value after a few minutes of boredom and "been there, done that."

This film isn't worth buying or paying money for. Rent it on Netflix or watch it on TV. If it weren't for Sienna Guillory in her tight blue catsuit, Milla Jovovich in her tight black bondage gear, or Li Bingbing in her revealing red dress, nobody would have watched the whole thing...which is why I gave it a 4...for the eye candy.
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