Failed Experiment
23 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
'909 Experiment' (2000) is a 'found footage' horror which strongly anticipates 'Paranormal Activity' (2007). It's apparently unreleased, but you can find it online. If you want to, that is. It's about a young couple who investigate 'electromagnetic activity' at a big secluded lakeside house. At the risk of ruining the storyline, let us just say that writer- director-star Wayne A. Smith must have really, really liked 'The Shining'. '909 Experiment' had a few, sparse moments of atmosphere but there were also more than a few bits of irksomely silly stuff. For instance, the bit where the guy gets up out of bed to go get a knife with a goofy 'sleepwalking' grin on his face and walking in a supremely dorky posture pretty much destroys any feeling of horror the movie has built up thus far. In fact, watching Wayne A. Smith mince his way through the house is the strongest memory I was left with. Once seen, you can't unsee it. Ah well, you gotta kiss a few frogs, eh?
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