Infected (II) (2013)
Surely this was meant to be a spoof...
14 September 2013
Being a huge zombie aficionado, I basically devour - no put intended - just everything that includes zombies. Unfortunately the zombie market is swamped with releases that are questionable and probably shouldn't have had seen the light of day.

As was the case with "Infected" (aka "Infection Z"). And I assume that the "Infection Z" title is a bad attempt to cash in on the blockbuster "World War Z" movie. But regardless of the reason, then this movie was really not worth the effort.

The zombies in the movie were far in between shots, and they weren't actually zombies as in the sense of being shambling and decaying. Well, it does make sense if this is the first stages of decay. But still, with the ridiculous sounds they were making, it was more of a spoof on the zombie genre than it was actually appearing as a proper, serious movie.

And as hard as it is to take Michael Madsen seriously, then it came even more difficult given the horrible hat he was wearing just about 99% of the entire movie. That hat was just ridiculous to look at.

The most uplifting part about "Infected" was perhaps that William Forsythe was in the movie, but it was hardly anywhere remotely near enough to make it worthwhile suffering through the entire movie. I did manage to stick with the movie to the very end, hoping that there would be just one moment to make it worth it, but there wasn't such an occurrence.

The DVD movie I received from Amazon was titled "Infection Z" and it had a very apocalyptic image of a metropolis in ruin and flames on the back cover. This was the worst kind of misleading imagery ever. Because the entire movie takes places at an isolated homestead somewhere out in a forest in the middle of nowhere.

What can I say about "Infected"? Well, stay well clear of it, or you might be infected with a bad case of boredom.
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