Moonlighting: Sleep Talkin' Guy (1986)
Season 2, Episode 16
Responding to previous reviewer
18 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
this is one of the better classic Moonlighting episodes. I sorta wish the prostitute character been developed more in other episodes. I happened to see on IMDb this actress died back in 2010 of some sort of blood disease, too bad. I only remember her being in John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness in 1987, which I expect she probably got because of this episode. Moonlighting was that popular and trendsetting at that time where something like that could happen. After all, Bruce Willis did get DIE HARD, which even with Moonlighting being popular on TV still blows my mind.

Anyway, I mostly wanted to respond to the above review trying to differentiate Addison from Bruce Willis. If you like Addison, then you like Bruce Willis. Addison wasn't written like this, Bruce didn't get into character. If you watch the pilot and see what the show was by the end of season 1, you know Moonlighting was built around Bruce Willis and his wild man persona. A persona he talks about having developed in high school to deal with his shyness and sorta skated on all the way into Hollywood (which is probably why it took so long after Moonlighting for him to shake it).

I don't understand what the motivation is to say you like Addison and not Willis anyway. Sounds like you're holding onto preconceptions from tabloids or something. Preconceptions probably have no logical right having anyway.

I wish Bruce knew how to lighten up again. He is getting that Harrison Ford thing where you almost want to see someone put a mirror under his nose to make sure he's still with us.
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