The Time of Our Lives (2013–2014)
It's Australian, It's Believable, It's Good !
19 September 2013
I wanted to watch this show when it debuted, but it conflicted with "A Place To Call Home" (another fine, real, addictive Australian Drama) which was already half way through its season.

Thanks to whoever thought of catch up TV via the net.

I've just watched the entire series this week on ABC Iview in between work projects. Today I let the phone ring out three times so I could watch the last episode.

Some posters / reviewers have said that the acting was wooden, sugary. That the writing / dialogue was shallow and predictable.

I don't agree with those statements / terms, but, this show is meant to portray real life. How many of us have friends and family that are wooden, sugary, shallow, predictable ? Maybe it's my age (50) but I found the characters, just, simply real ! I've experienced some of their dramas, I have friends who have experienced some of their dramas. I was finishing lines from personal experience before the characters spoke them. Some characters annoyed me. Some characters made me cry.

For the Characters to draw me in like that means that the Actors and the Writers have done their job well.

And They Have ! I Hope We Get Season Two !
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