Breaking Bad: Granite State (2013)
Season 5, Episode 15
Jaw dropping, dread-inducing...
22 September 2013
Starts off slow but when it picks up, we're moving like a bullet. And this is why Breaking Bad is one of, if not the greatest of shows airing currently, it has the unique ability to use suspense, tension and character development so well that it's almost an action movie.

This episode while admittedly does not contain any great leap in character arcs like its former, seeks to reflect on the extent of just how far gone our main protagonist is, with one or two shocking events occurring along the way sure to stop the heart of any hardcore Breaking Bad fan and concluding in a manner so mysterious that we're left utterly clueless as to what might come next with so much possibilities planted. All said and done Granite State is a showcase of brilliance from start to finish and it's only about to get more brilliant with still so much story left to tell and only a measly 55 minutes in which to do it.

Whatever the outcome, Walter White shall take his well-deserved place among legend!
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