Heart-warming and lovable representation of an adaption story
25 September 2013
I would like to say that this movie is one of the best gay-themed movies that I had ever watched, although the core of the movie is more into finding love in any type or form especially outcasts who regularly shunt by the ignorant and the narrow-minded.

Goran & Sven are a Swedish, married couple, trying to adopt a child. Their options got limited to adoption except for Sweden due to lack of interest from other countries to allow a gay couple adopting a baby. Later, the institution promised them a baby boy by the name of "Patrick" turns out, Patrick is actually a 15-year-old delinquent with a criminal record and to top it all, a homophobe. Waiting to clarify the mix-up with the institution; the couple has to deal with the teen and it doesn't help that Sven has second thoughts about the whole adoption thing.

The movie poster and the plot may suggest that the movie is kind of a comedy and the movie is full of light moments but it is far from being a comedy.

The 1st two-third of the movie is quite good and bring a realistic view about what might had happened if the story is real. The Ending is put to satisfy the regular watcher, which might be fitting or not fitting to the movie flow, depending on your view but nevertheless, a good ending for this type of movies.

A very good watch even if you find such movies to be too sweet. I bit many will find something to relate to in the movie in a way or another.
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