Awesome experience at the 3D IMAX!
28 September 2013
Went to see this in 3D at the IMAX and LOVED it, what an experience (even though I went alone)!

Unfortunately I have never been to see Metallica in concert because my friends don't like my kind of music, so this is the next best thing. I'm a fan, so I obviously liked all the songs played throughout the movie/concert; the band's performance is outstanding.

The sound and visual effects were amazing, particularly during the roadie's storyline.

It's great to see these guys have been rocking it for 30 years and they've still got it. James looks smokin' hot, love his sexy hair!!

This is a must see at the IMAX, don't wait for it to come out on DVD or the movie channel - these won't do it the justice it deserves.
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