A composition of 3 completely different classical Japanese ghost stories made up as anime.
25 September 2013
If you expect to be scared witless by these series, you should probably reconsider watching them. Japanese horror is of a very different kind than western one, as everybody who ever saw the Japanese version of "The Ring" and compared it to the US one is probably aware of.

So "horror" in this case doesn't mean your heart pumping madly or sudden scares - it is much less bold and will instead be leading your mind into the realms of the absurd, of the eery and the strange, maybe leaving you with a subtle feeling of fascination, maximum making you feel a bit weird. Having said that, here's the actual review:


Out of the three very different stories (being actually made by completely different teams), the last one is definitely the most marvelous, enveloping the viewer in a burst of colours and patterns, helping to create a fantastic and surreal atmosphere. Leading figure is a wonderfully mysterious medicine seller one can never quite figure out. (This storyline was by the way adapted to be an independent series with overall 12 episodes, called "Mononoke")

However, one who appreciates subtle storytelling and doesn't need a firework of explosions and action to feel satisfied might also like the two others, as they present a very classically Japanese experience.

If you love being tickled by strangeness and bizarre stories without actually looking for fear or thrill, this will be worth your time.
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