An unnecessary and really bad sequel.
13 October 2013
When Alpha and Omega was released back in 2010, its reception wasn't very positive. Both critics and movie-goers alike blasted the film, criticizing it's story, animation, and just being an overall bad film. It managed to find some fans, but it's still a film many people just simply forgot... or wanted to forget.

Admittedly, it's a guilty pleasure of mine. Yeah, it's bad, and it's not something I'd recommend to anyone... but I can find some enjoyment out of it, and I don't think it's as bad as many claim (close, but not quite). With that said, in no way did I ever wish for it to receive a sequel. Honestly, it's just not necessary, and again, not too many people even liked the first film. It's fan base, if one even exists, is quite small, so who's the targeted audience? Why even bother making a sequel, knowing it probably won't sell?

Well, they made one anyway, and because I somewhat enjoy the first film, I decided to give it a shot.

...And what a mistake that turned out to be. Any charm the first film might have had is completely absent here, and there's many reasons why. The story is predictable (even more so than the first), the characters (both old and new) are terrible and useless, the script is lousy, the jokes are lame, the animation is often very sloppy and unpolished (amateurish mistakes that would make any newbie and up-and-coming animators blush with embarrassment), among numerous other examples. For that matter, any and all wolf sound effects (Howling, growling, etc.) all sound like poor-quality stock sound effects, as if they found them off some free sound effects website. The amount of effort they put into this film is... practically non-existent.

The worst offender is how short the movie is. It's not even a full- length film... no, it's only 45 minutes. And considering how the finale goes down, there's so much evidence for me to believe the film was cut short and left unfinished... as if they ran out of budget or lost the motivation to complete it (I'm leaning towards the latter).

Everything about this movie screams "Lack of effort". It's an abomination to viewers and fans of the original film. Even after renting this for $4 off of Amazon Instant Video, I still feel cheated and want my money back. Avoid this movie like the plague... trust me, you won't regret it.
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