only 2 words: fantastic sequel!
14 October 2013
i loved "Alpha and Omega"! i don't care if it was slammed by critics, in fact every bad review makes me like it even more. it was 90 minutes of pure entertainment and in my book, it's 1 of the best movies ever made! now, ever since Alpha and Omega 1 came out in theaters, from 2010 we were promised a sequel to it. and right there, i was like "Is that real?" finally, it's out cause after 3 long years of waiting, i almost lost hope. "Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure" is finally here and i'm so happy! so, "Alpha and Omega 2" takes place almost 2 years after the first movie left off. Kate and Humphrey/Garth and Lilly are married, both packs are living in peace and Kate and Humphrey got 3 adorable little puppies who're gonna make your heart melt. i love those kids, really cute! so, everybody's happy, they're getting ready for the winter holidays and it's all good, but something goes wrong. Runt, the smallest puppy goes missing, and now it's up to Kate, Humphrey and the rest to find little Runt and get him back home before the snow blocks their way, and they realize no matter where they are "Home is where the family is". and now, i get to watch and review the fantastic sequel everybody's been raging about.

so, "Alpha and Omega 2": yeah, it definitely was good and it was also great! it had some of the most emotional and heart warming moments i seen all year. the characters from the first movie that we all loved, they're back in the sequel and they're better. there's also new side characters and they were awesome, specially the puppies. they were just so adorable! and Garth and Lilly are in it too! i loved seeing em again. Lilly used to be this really beautiful but shy Omega girl. now she's all hardcore, she's more relevant and she's still gorgeous. Kate still remains the hottest girl in the movie. she was ridiculously hot in the movie, and she still knows how to throw down. i feel like Humphrey, to be honest.

the script's better, the lines are smarter, and the voice acting's really good too. usually, whenever a sequel got a cast of unknown American voice actors, it usually sucks balls. not "Alpha and Omega 2". in "Alpha and Omega 2", these actors all know how to act and they sound almost exactly alike with the original cast. sequels don't usually pull that off, but "Alpha and Omega 2" did, and it pulled it off perfectly! big props to all the actors. Marcel and Paddy are back and they're not annoying anymore, they're actually where most of the movie's comedy came from. they do a lot more this time, they're funnier, they're friendlier, i didn't mind them being in the sequel, cause it made me happy to see em again. yea, okay some of the animation in the movie had problems and it need a bit more work, but "Alpha and Omega 2" got some of the best visuals i seen in a long time. everything's bright, detailed and beautiful. the only bummer is that it's way too short, it clocks at only 50 minutes. that kinda bummed me out a little bit cause i was expecting it to be at least the same length as the first movie. but no, it's only 50 minutes and it kinda makes wonder why that short.

despite all that, "Alpha and Omega 2" was perfect in every other way. it was smart, it was cute, it was funny and exciting, i was cheering for everybody the whole time, every single character had more depth and layers... what's not to like here? if you still haven't seen it, go watch it. the best sequel of 2013! (along with "Star Trek: Into Darkness") a perfect 10/10!
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