Good film noir
15 October 2013
Barbara Stanwyck plays Helen Ferguson--pregnant and penniless deserted by her ex Steve (Lyle Bettger). On a train she meets Patrice Harkness (Phyllis Thaxter) and her husband Hugh (Richard Denning). Patrice is also pregnant and going to see Hugh's parents who have never seen her before. Then the train crashes. Patrice and Hugh are killed and everybody mistakes Helen for Patrice. She goes along with it for her child. Then her ex shows up in town with blackmail on his mind.

Based on the excellent novel "I Married A Dead Man" by Cornell Woolrich. Now the plot is more than a little ridiculous but this movie (like the novel) is so beautifully done you don't notice. It's shot in beautiful black and white (which fits the mood) and has good acting--especially by Stanwyck. Technically she's too old for the role (she was 45 when she played this) but she's so good that you overlook it. She has a GREAT scene when she realizes what she has to do to get rid of Steve. The look on her face was perfect! When I first saw this in a revival theatre the audience laughed and applauded when that scene came on. The movie looks great with beautiful settings. Also fun to see Thaxter and Denning early in their careers. A very good unsung film noir. Recommended.

Do NOT see the 1996 redo movie called "Mrs. Winterbourne". They turn it into an (unfunny) comedy!
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