Review of Strapped

Strapped (2010)
A life time played in one building
18 October 2013
I admire TAL-Releasing brand in the entertainment business and their dedication to focus on LGBT issues in their work; we still need that in our era but I got to admit that some of their titles are way too shallow and depend on mere sexual plots without a solid core; this movie isn't one of them.

The movie start chic with a good-looking, even sexy, main lead (even guys who are not into twinks would agree) who work as a hustler. After his session with a client, he tried to locate the building exit not knowing that the next turn would bring him more existing encounters.

I should firstly praise the director's work, he really tried to squeeze the talent from his actors, an effort quite shown throughout the film. The lightning might be a bit dim but I found it matching most of the atmospheres in the movie. The movie has a timeless vibe - watchers from different times could still relate to the movie stories and the events has a sense of dream-like effect which add to the artistic value of this work. The sex scenes aren't really explicit comparing to other movies in the same genre or with similar story-line. I'll give them in terms of intensity 6 out of 10; I find this quite refreshing.

The movie has a message, for viewers who like this kind of things. Still, you could enjoy it with no need to analyze the events. It could be a personal story for the protagonist or for you, it is your choice.

I recommend it for a quite night view or with a new date.
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