The Awesomes (2013–2015)
aggressively uninteresting
27 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Tried to watch "The Awesomes"... I really did but... meh. It's clearly a labour of love from Seth Myers, but that's about all I can say for it. It suffers one of the fatal flaws that Alphas did for me; for a show about Superheroes, there is surprisingly little superheroing or action about it.

It's a lot of introspective self-indulgent whining by a c list superhero squad thrust into the spotlight, and it really doesn't even do that well. It lacks the pop-culture cache of Futurama, the edge of Watchmen, the genre-awareness of Incredibles, or the whit of Kim Possible, even though it is clearly trying for all of those marks. The plotting takes a lot of predictable tropes, and sadly it can't execute them well enough to make them interesting, or poorly enough to make them camp.

The animation is stilted and low quality. In an era when even an amateur can turn in Caanes and Sundance quality work from a moderately powerful PC; it's flat, jerky, and the designs and color choices are uninspired. In the first 22 minute installment, the only things visually that caught my eye were a hairnet and a biplane. Not a character, a costume, a setting, or even a gadget, but a plot gag and one-note throw-away joke. It feels like a three minute SNL animated bit stretched to 22 minutes, which makes it painful on some level. the end, this show falls into that deadly zone of mediocrity; it's not aggressively bad enough to be talked down, but it's not good enough to be talked up either. In short, its not surprising no one is talking about this show at all. Hulu's limited budget could have been far better spent elsewhere.

Sorry Seth, but stick to observational humor, because clearly superheroes is not your forte.
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