Third Contact (2013)
A Diamond in the Rough
22 October 2013
My introduction to Simon Horrocks' film, Third Contact, did not occur from the hype of an awesome trailer or word of mouth. Instead, it came from a seemingly rare mannerly invitation from Mr. Horrocks himself when he tweeted "I politely request you watch this trailer" with a link. How could I not? From that moment on, I knew this film was something special.

When watching the live-stream of the film's big screen premiere, I was engrossed in the gripping plot and, unlike some indie films, the fact that the film was shot on a micro-budget was not obvious. To be reminded that the film was shot on a budget of GBP 4,000 leaves one amazed at the feat Mr. Horrocks achieved.

The film is dark and keeps this transfixion over the viewer which isn't apparent until after the film when you are reflecting on what you have just seen. The film is mind-bewildering as one learns more with Dr. Wright as he searches for answers as to why suicides are occurring. The film is emotional on a level that solidifies the viewers' attachment with what is going on.

Third Contact is a diamond in the rough and a film I readily call a must-see. What Mr. Horrocks has done is a testament to his artistic brilliance and resourcefulness in producing a film that, in my opinion, humbles multi-million dollar Hollywood movies.
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