As A Sequel- Great! Stand Alone-Good.
14 November 2013
So I love the first American Pie, and I stand by what I said in my review of the first that that these are not sex comedies, and that they have a lot of heart, but i felt that this was a little overly sentimental. I love that these movies have heart, and a good plots but i feel like this one tried a little too hard to remove itself from that culture. That being said this movie was hilarious and as a sequel, it's just about the best we could have expected. It has numerous good laughs, good writing, good acting, and it's another great bromantic comedy. I have to say that Jason Biggs delivery of the---well, let's just say "I glued myself to uh....myself" scene(in the trailer too, not a spoiler.) was terrific. If you're looking for a good laugh that is not at the expense of somebody, or just constantly going for the easy laugh this is your movie. It has a lot of gross out humor, but it also has a lot of more situation humor and complex humor. Is it as good, or influential as the first? Not a chance. But it is hilarious, true to the first, and it is a great movie to watch for a party night.
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