Kind of silly and slapstick, but better than is prequel.
14 November 2013
This is the first of three sequels to the "Ba wang hua" ("The Inspector Wears Skirts") movie series. Sibelle Hu reprises her role as Madam Wu, as do Shui-Fan Fung as Inspector Kan.

The plot devices used in this movie are pretty much the same as its prequel - training courses in the beginning of the movie, the dragged out male and female squad members dating one another scenes in the middle of the movie, and then the big action fight scene in the end. The story is also similar: female Banshee Squad Members from the Hong Kong Police Academy undergo training supervised by Madame Wu, and then later join the male Tiger Squad Members to take down a band of terrorists. However, what is different is that four new Banshee Squad Members join the group, who were at first ridiculed and teased by their fellow members, resulting in competitive and fight scenes which I thought were pretty amusing to watch. And, Fung's Inspector Kan character was emphasized more than in the previous film, which I think is a plus because he has good screen presence with his comedic, calm and witty style of acting. He tries to woo Madam Wu, attempting to win her over the more athletic and skillful Mr. Lo (Melvin Fong) in a Karate match, providing another different plot device in the previous film that I thought was pretty amusing.

Again, while this movie is similar in story to its prequel, the subplots of the new Banshee Squad Members and Inspector Kan's more emphasized purpose in the movie, coupled with a much more exciting climax, made this film more entertaining and result in what I think is the best in the "Ba wang hua" ("The Inspector Wears Skirts") series.

Grade B-
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