Condenses Way Too Much Material at the End
17 November 2013
This movie starts off with a Jewish scholar by the name of "Rabbi Rostenberg" (Yehuda Efroni) completing research on a Biblical code which can unlock secret messages of prophetic importance from within the Bible. Because of the significant advantages to be gained from its possession, evil forces want his work and send a hit man named "Dominic" (Michael Ironside) to kill him and acquire it. They succeed in killing him and they get most of the code. But not all. When the news of Rabbi Rostenberg's murder leaks out a popular motivational speaker named "Gillen Lane" (Casper Van Dien) is called upon by television reporter "Cassandra Barashe" (Catherine Oxenberg) to explain to her audience the importance of this Bible code. Not long afterward the man recently appointed as the Chairman of the European Union, "Stone Alexander" (Michael York) calls upon Gillen Lane to be his public relations spokesman as he launches an effort to consolidate the world under his leadership. Anyway, rather than disclose the entire plot and ruin the mystery for those who haven't seen this movie I will just say that while this film is entertaining the story itself is mishandled a bit. The main cause of this is the fact that it spends a great deal of time on setting up the story but condenses way too much material at the end. As a result the ending leaves much to be desired. Still, both Michael Ironside and Michael York, along with Catherine Oxenberg to a lesser degree, performed in a reasonably good manner and their performances make the film watchable. However, I cannot say the same for Casper Van Dien as he just didn't have the presence required to be a lead actor. In any case, this isn't a bad Christian film and I think it deserves an average rating.
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