HORRIBLE script for GREAT actors
19 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure that I'm the ONLY African American to HATE this movie. Back in 1999 I LOVED the original "The Best Man". Flash forward 14 years later, I have outgrown the 1999 movie BUT I was hoping the characters in the movie had grown as well (especially since they are slightly older than me, in real-life and in character). Unfortunately this was not the case. If the second movie was released 1 or 2 years later (instead of 15 YEARS) the script would have made more sense. Instead you have ALL the character holding grudges for things that happened 15+ years ago.

SPOILER (don't read the rest if you have NOT seen the movie) 1) I didn't get why Robin (Sanaa Lathan) was mad at Harper. She seemed to be upset with him before she knew about the money problems. They have been married 15 years and together 17 years at this point but she was STILL jealous of some chick he almost had sex with???? 2) I expected to see some explanation why the white guy was not there with Nia Long's character. I was waiting to see if the family had a problem with her being black. I get that he was going to see his family in Vermont for Christmas but she was with the friends the entire week. He spends the first night with her and the next morning he says, "I know you love me but sometimes I feel like you don't need me." and she says, "I DON'T!" I'm like okay Ms. Independent. Who says that??? She is so in love with this guy but says I don't need you??!!! (or maybe Lee thinks ALL financially independent BLACK women behave this way) 3) WHY is Lance still mad at Harper for having sex with his girlfriend (not yet married) while they were in college (one time) when he was the biggest HOE on campus having cheated on her 100s of times but he can't let go of 1 time that happened 17+ years ago??? Especially when this man is his best friend (who has been with his own woman for 17 years)? 4) The light skinned chick with the reality show (Shelby)-- goes on and on about a black mans penis in front of women she has no history of a friendship with in the first movie. She didn't hang with them. She was JUST the girlfriend of the dude who married the stripper. BTW not all black men have big ones most are average to below. But she feels free to say how she wants to suck it and put it up her butt in front of these women. Hmmmmmm Why would she want her wimpy ex-boyfriend back who is now married to an ex-stripper/hoe after 15 years??? She didn't love him when they were together she just controlled him. Why was she in the movie anyway.

5) Terrance Howard's character is the same in his 40s as he was in his 20s????? That part just didn't make sense to me. Howard is a GREAT actor who has YEARS and years of experience but Lee doesn't take advantage of this asset.

6) All of the characters are educated, rich, famous people but they curse and fight in front of the kids???? I expected them to be more "Boo-Gee" bourgeois and less "Hood" ratchet. Lee had at his disposal a GREAT group of actors/actress that he did NOT take full advantage of. The movie could have been soooooo much more.
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