Pure enchantment and one of the most personal films i have ever had the pleasure of viewing
26 November 2013
This is not just a film, it transcends the realm of regular film and moves into a masterclass of its own going above and beyond the ordinary. This is a film i have adored and cherished for a very long time and just now realized that i had not rated it. I was in a state of mortification and amended that error at once. This glimmering cinematic jewel needs to be seen by anyone who truly and sincerely loves the art form we call cinema.

The soul, the inventiveness, the beguiling charm, the cinematic artistry and wit of this masterpiece are light years ahead of nearly every film i have seen. It is the most personal film i have had the pleasure of viewing for the sheer fact that it is a film lovers movie and eloquently shows us why we love film, or should i say why i love film because i felt a connection so personal and profound. The escapist enchantment of film in a situation of true zaniness is captured here in The Purple Rose of Cairo. The fantasy, a fantasy many of us have had about film characters coming to life, the stark contrast of the charm and magic of the silver screen and the harsh cold reality so deftly portrayed. The hardships and three dimensions of life, the choices we make and their consequences, the acceptance/facing of reality and the hard truths and ironies this life presents form just some of the philosophical depth this breathtaking gem of cinema possesses. It goes above and beyond that by demonstrating that we are in charge of our destinies and sometimes all we will have is ourselves and no one will rescue us but ourselves. It gets satirical and comedic and strange and just becomes a pure pleasure to behold. The seamless coming together of comedy, sweeping romance, charm, fairy tale enchantment, bittersweet and sometimes sour truths and the pure celebration of the personal effect movies can have on people who are hurting exemplify the enchantment that such art, such film, can infuse into peoples lives. The masterful direction, the down trodden and heartbreaking heroine so perfectly and beautifully portrayed by the iconic Mia Farrow and the period setting together with this astounding screenplay make this film an event like no other.
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