One of the best movies 2013
23 December 2013
Im lucky i could have see this movie before Dutch Release. But this is one of the best movies of 2013/2014! Its telling the story about a guy who is fighting for become a better man in life. For his self, his girlfriend, his mom and his daughter. On this way he is trying to make the best of it. One little mistake, one little accident, one thing he wasn't fault of made the life of his mother,daughter and loved one turning upside down. Sadly, deeply sadly is a real story and still going on like this. WHY! its insane how the world works :(. In The Netherlands there is a similar story this week in the newspapers. Both cops, the guy from the movie and the dutch one got off way too easy! THEY KILLED SOMEONE WITHOUT A REASON! Stop this stupid thing and keep fighting for freedom and equality!
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