Sherlock: His Last Vow (2014)
Season 3, Episode 3
Disappointing and self congratulatory
18 January 2014
The first series of Sherlock was brilliant, the second series nearly matched it and this third series started off well enough.................but then went downhill rapidly.

The problem for me sees to be that writers have become rather self-indulgent and self-congratulatory. The aim of the script seems to be to show the viewer how clever the writer is (and to give the impression that the writer is more clever than the viewer) rather than to actually provide entertainment.

Sherlock stories don't need to be run at break-neck speeds, with more plot twists than a spiral of DNA. They should be given time to develop and tease rather than rush from A to B at a million miles and hour. The comic book style editing doesn't help either, it just increases the likelihood of an epileptic seizure.

Where has the whimsical, wry humour gone? The thoughtful interplay between the characters? The careful plot development? Lost in the belief that modern television audiences don't have the patience to enjoy something that builds to a crescendo rather than starting with a big bang and then attempting to hold your attention by turning Sherlock into some sort of pseudo action hero.

Not good - the writers have lost the plot! 3/10 - must do better in future.
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