Luxury Liner (1948)
Cruise south of the border
26 January 2014
Jane Powell steps into a role that a decade earlier Deanna Durbin was playing over at Univeral Pictures and making great money at it. Little wholesome Miss Fixit who solves everyone's problems before the film is over and the audience gets a cadenza or two.

Luxury Liner has Jane an opera aspiring daughter of passenger liner captain George Brent. There's an opera festival in Rio and Jane just has to go and the captain says no. What to do, simply stow away, especially with the great tenor Lauritz Melchior on board.

In fact besides Jane and Melchior we also have the Pied Pipers late of the Tommy Dorsey orchestra and the ship's orchestra is that of Xavier Cugat which is perfect for a cruise south of the border. As you can see the musical guests run quite a gamut of musical taste.

Luxury Liner is a nice easy to take musical and quite frankly I miss the days when young teen stars had a great singing range like Deanna Durbin, Jane Powell, Susanna Foster, Gloria Jean. We haven't heard arias from teen mouths in decades.
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