Fetching Cody (2005)
Fetching Cody: A story about Addictions in Vancouver
21 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Fetching Cody is a movie about addictions in Vancouver. The act and the development of addictions is very subtle in this movie. There are no scenes of needles being shot into veins, no vomiting nor convulsions. Instead it is a love story of two individuals who live in downtown Vancouver and whom seem to gradually become addicted to illegal substances.

A situation starts to occur, which instigates Art to want to change things in order to better the life of his girlfriend, Cody. This leads to an unconventional journey into the past.

The lead character, Art is a very young man, whom camouflages his addictions well. He seems like a very likable individual. There does not seem to be many problems that arise in the lives of Art and Cody - however Art discovers that a lot of Cody's problems resided in her unique past. Uncovering one problem seems to have led to the uncovering of another problem, and this seems to ripple backwards into her childhood - revealing all kinds of reasons why Cody would resort to addictions, in order to numb her own personal pain.

Fetching Cody is a pretty good movie, because it does not throw the viewer into a no-mans-land of disgust and repulsion. However, the addictions that both Art and Cody have seem to resemble, personal sadness and personal alienation.

I believe that if both Cody and Art were versed in understanding mental health and addictions versus inarticulate in these matters - that they both would have been able to have solved and dissolved personal pain in a much more effective and cathartic way. Since the viewer only has the background of Cody, I would say that, when she met Art she was already a trauma victim floating above her own pain - never talking about it, but act it out by prostitution and street substance use.
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