A case study in selection bias
6 February 2014
I understand that the film makers motives are good but the manipulative messaging and one sided view coming from the film hurts its credibility. Distorting the truth for a good cause is still a lie.

What you will see is the worse of the worse in exploitative marketing to children, much of which the viewer has never seen. This selection of content is meant to illicit an emotional response of parents so they go out and demand the censorship we see every generation from people reaching middle age. It is the same old cliché of "this generation is going to hell in a hand-basket," which every generation has bemoaned since time immemorial, only this time it ironically the boomers doing the moaning.

What you will not see is the people who grew up with this level of intense marketing or what effect, if any, the marketing had on these people? I have an idea: why not let parents turn off the TV if they are so worried. How about taking some responsibility if you think this is a problem.

That last thing we need are moralists making decisions for everybody.
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