The Oscars (2014 TV Special)
7.8 out of 10?!?!?! Who are you people?
11 March 2014
Who in the world saw that travesty unfunny train wreck of a show and thought it was worth anything higher than a 1? In fact it is even less than that, it is a zero, but for some inexplicable reason will not let me rate this any lower than a 1. This show was so bad and Ellen Degeneres is such a giant suck host that I signed up for this account just to post this awful review. Trust me when I say that me getting up off my lazy butt and doing all this work just to tell strangers how much I hate a show really says something. I didn't even go to all this trouble after I watched Lebron James' Decision special on television.

What parts of this show did you 90 year old housewives enjoy the most? Was it the part where she pretended like she was ordering pizzas for all of the movie stars? I bet you really slapped your knees and hooted when she said she was collecting money for it and then revealed that the hat she was collecting the money in was Pharrell's hat. Oh boy oh boy that guy's hat is huge!

That and the rest of the parade of jaw droppingly horrible jokes made me want to scream. How can anyone enjoy this hacky parade of a hack fest awards show?
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