The movie has many bright moments...and squanders them all.
15 March 2014
"Along Came Love" is a very, very frustrating film to watch. At times, it's very enjoyable and fun--and other times, it's horrible and should have been severely re-written before being filmed. It's a shame, as much of the movie is very nice.

The film begins with an embarrassing segment where Emmy (Irene Hervey) goes to the planetarium and learns about the constellation Orion. This then inexplicably leads to her looking for her own mythic hero--a modern Orion. This aspect was 100% unnecessary and really detracted from the movie.

Later, Emmy meets a Dr. O'Ryan (Orion/O'Ryan...get it?!) and INSTANTLY decides he's THE man for her. So, she sets out to win his heart--even though O'Ryan is behaving about as unromantically as possible. He's obsessed with becoming an obstetrician and all he talks about is this...so Emmy borrows a baby to get his attention. In many ways, this is very much like the later film "Every Girl Should Be Married"--when Betsy Drake's character falls for a pediatrician and she harasses him unmercifully. However, in the case of "Along Came Love", the all-business doctor, out of the blue, instantly falls for her. The build up to all this is non-existent and was handled badly.

Later, just before the pair get married, Emmy's mother (an ex-Burlesque star) gets arrested in a police raid. WHY?!?! You might think they'd arrest her for bad singing but the film NEVER says why they arrested her and why this means the pair should break up!! Duh!! The bottom line is that although the setup was good and I adored the scene where Emmy was caught making fun of her boss, the film just kept losing its way and seemed to need a HUGE re-write. A mess that SHOULD have been so much better.
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