The Unholy Alliance....
23 March 2014
Renowned for being Lon Chaney's only talkie, the 1930 "Unholy Three" is a good picture that doesn't seem to be as static as some other early sound pictures I've seen. The only drawbacks to this one as compared to the silent version is that the love interests are not as good & as others have noted, it can be a bit difficult to understand what exactly Harry Earles is saying sometimes.

The big selling point to this feature was obviously getting to hear the great Chaney Sr. speak on camera for the first time & it's interesting to think where his career might have gone had he lived, although despite the popular fable that's been told for many years, Chaney would not have been playing Dracula at Universal Pictures. But that story has been told so many times, that most people seem to have accepted it as the gospel.

In any event, Lon Chaney proves he was more than capable of making the transition to sound pictures.

7.5 out of 10...
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