Recalled to active service to woo
25 March 2014
Although young actresses teaming with older leading men was far from unusual in Hollywood, there was something very strange about 21 year old Ann Blyth mooning after 45 year old Robert Montgomery. The only thing more ridiculous was Montgomery himself being recalled to active duty in the army in order to woo Blyth. I mean really, I should that in the vast array of army personnel they could have found someone within Blyth's age group who would have been better for the assignment.

Once More My Darling finds Montgomery flung back into the army for an assignment to flush out Blyth's former boyfriend. He's a crook and a jealous crook at that. The boy friend is Ben Hicks who doing World War II stole a fortune jewels from a German family. One of them has been spotted on Blyth's neck at her débutante coming out. Montgomery woos Blyth to make Hicks jealous and come out in the open.

In order to perform he has to put on a whirlwind courtship and overcome the opposition of her father Taylor Holmes and the family chauffeur and bodyguard Charles McGraw. How Montgomery makes out is for you to see the film.

Although this film actually got an Oscar nomination for Best Sound Recording, it's a flimsy mediocre comedy with some laughs, but mostly it's just embarrassing for all involved.

No wonder Bob Montgomery quit acting and went into the production end of things.
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