Review of Sinking

Believe: Sinking (2014)
Season 1, Episode 6
With unresolved issues in his hometown of Hudson, Tate figures out what lead a robbery conviction to become murder.
14 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
For this episode there is no side story for the focus is on Tate. His background, his upbringing, his family, and how all this lead to the man we know. Perhaps the only thing not gone into, when it comes to Tate, is how he met Bo's mom Nina, but that might be a story for a later episode.

Topic 1: Learning the Truth - Tate

With Bo cutting Tate free, he decides to follow up on that phone call he made last week and now is in Hudson to track down his former best friend Pat. You see, back in the day, Pat, Tate and this other kid Jack, were thick as thieves, stealing cars and likely wallets. However one night would change all that.

Tate and Pat were to rob this place, but upon entering they find two dead bodies. Now, Pat is ready to run and pretend like they didn't see anything, but being that Pat had ran his mouth about the score, Tate says this isn't an option. So Tate, thinks they should go down for attempted robbery, a possible two year sentence, over murder charges. Thing is, Pat doesn't want to go to jail period so, come trial time, he points the finger at Tate for a lesser sentence. Jump forward 7 years and now Tate is back, beats the hell out of Pat, and then is told something quite interesting.

Mind you, as Tate does his investigation, Winter, Bo, and Channing come into town and somehow, despite the police and FBI all of their faces bring, Tate seems to easily get around with just a hoodie on. Of course, part of the reason they don't get him is the town's code of silence, but with the FBI having a badge and handcuffs, one girl named Meg seemingly is ready to give information to keep from jail.

Lucky for her though, Tate seems like he maybe disappearing real soon. For one, Pat points the finger at Jack and Jack pushes $50,000 toward Tate to go away. However, being that Tate is stubborn, he decides to really investigate Jack and this ends up in a stereotypical boat ride in which Jack, Pat, and some goons, are ready to not only kill Tate, but reveal all that happened. You see, Jack killed those two people Tate was framed for and was ready for Pat and Tate to take the fall, but Pat fell in line so he helped Pat and let Tate fall. But, with Tate now knowing everything, he had to go, and Jack gives Pat the honor of taking Tate out, since Tate did whoop Pat's behind.

However, with Tate trying to undo the mind-games Jack has played so long, and trying to push Pat to think for himself, what happens is Pat killing everyone but Tate and Jack. Thus leaving Jack for Tate. But, with a gas canister on board, and Jack having bullets, a few shots lead to an explosion, and Bo watching helplessly from the docks.

Topic 2: "Our" Weapon(s) - Roman

As this goes on, Roman is dealing with the government who, despite Roman implying they have given him no money, seem to want to see results in what they say is "our weapon." But, with Bo gone, Joshua comatose, and all that is left is the autistic Shawn, Roman reveals he is more so ambitious than a true villain. So, he decides to push Shawn past making giant Legos, and into a weapon. Something Zoe appears vehemently against but is unable to stop.

As of the end of the episode though, it seems Roman's manipulations work and Shawn, in the pursuit of trying to prove he isn't weak like Roman implies, kills Joshua by his touch. Leading us to wonder if he could do that to those who surround Bo, much less would Bo face off against someone again, especially considering what she did to Joshua.

Topic 3: Daddy Dearest – Tate & Bo

Now, when it comes to Tate coming back home, it isn't just his friends he needed closure with, his old man William Sr., he also held a bit of a grudge with. Part of the reasons include: William Sr. being the reason Tate's mom isn't around; William Sr. not being the best of dad; and William Sr. not supportive when Tate tried, or while he was in prison. What certainly doesn't help though is when Tate arrives home and William Sr. points a gun at him.

In William Sr.'s defense though, Tate's actions made him a social pariah and seemingly stuck in his own home. He even notes he tried to leave, but seemingly was unable to. But, with Tate, Winter, Bo and Channing's arrival, his house is seemingly burnt down, so now all he has is his old gym.

There is where a lot of old wounds are healed. For, as Bo bonds with William Sr., she starts to understand that her grandpa and dad aren't too different. Both feel abandoned, and when she mentions this to Tate he apologizes for making her feel this way. And, after miraculously showing up after the boat explodes, without a mark on him, it seems Winter thinks with Tate's closure comes the need for the truth. One which, hopefully, will keep Tate from going back and forth from trying to leave, and that truth is that Bo is his daughter. Something seemingly Bo doesn't know, as per Winter. And with the look on Tate's face, you can see his heart warmed by not just the news of Bo, but I'd argue it would be because of piece of Nina exists still. Leaving us without Bo finding out about her dad, but Tate seemingly ready to take on Winter's burden of raising her.
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