G.B.F. (2013)
Finally a Teen Comedy for Gay Kids
2 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was totally delighted with this film. So far, its the Gay equivalent of Sixteen Candles or Clueless. Finally a well made Gay high comedy has arrived. This and The Geography Club prove that such films can be cute and sweet without being lame, dreary and crude like the second Another Gay Movie. Art Direction, Costume, Sets and the whole look of the film are just right for its subject. Casting is as close to perfect as you can get for this type of farce. Michael J. Willett is adorable and charming as the lead, never once slipping into stereotype. Paul Iacono is wonderful as Brent and he plays all his pretentious goofiness perfectly, but comparing him to Jack in that awful Will and Grace is not right. The Jack character in real life would be an unbearable completely tedious leech. Brent in real life would be a silly young gay man who actually has a giving heart. Well played, the Sophie character is the moral compass and Derek is the metro hetero male nerd in Brent's group. The girls fit perfectly as does the horny Topher character. The older character actors are used to great effect especially Natasha Lyonne. Direction, music, language and the use of color make this film a wonderful piece of fluff. There are a number of major truths about being who you are in this teen comedy that make it more real and worthwhile than just a cheap stupid parody. Now, how about the Gay equivalent of The Perks of Being a Wallflower (yes I know there is a Gay character in Perks, but it is not really a gay film). I want to see more.
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