ill-informed reviewers
11 May 2014
The two "bad" reviews here simply do not understand why this was made. They clearly do not follow or understand the cause and work of these two men, Dawkings and Krauss. To simply judge them by this movie is ignorant and does a disservice to public and to their credibility. I say this because if one bothers to research for 15mins they would have found that these two men have been outspoken about the evolutionary and mysteries of the universe via science over the course of MANY, MANY years. So long that one is already retired! Having said that, this movie is just one project to help bring attention to the public where they can find some relation with the subjects. Since the majority of the general will never look up to or recognize a scientist the hope was that maybe a celebrity would. That is not to say they will stray from science and facts but will help support the cause by illuminating the subject further.

Debates have been done many, many times and are available for viewing on youtube. Lectures are also available. Presentations are available. Teaching and learning for kids to adults have been done. If you wanted any of these they are available for your digestion, and hopefully afterward, your would have learned and gather more FACTS to help you decide one way or another. They do not tell you to change but to accept what is 99.99999999% true vs absolutely NO FACTS argument such as religion.

With the internet being so widely available for research I fail to even begin to understand why people would continually provide reviews without any prior knowledge of the subject or person(s) in reference.
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