Game of Thrones: The Laws of Gods and Men (2014)
Season 4, Episode 6
Stunning, as always.
11 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This episode begins with a soft but tense scene: Stannis visits The Iron Bank of Braavos, and, of course, with Davos helping him, gets the money. Stannis is going to reborn from ashes? It was easy for Dany to conquer the three cities of the Slaver's Bay, but will she be capable to rule Mereen without creating enemies? Will she domesticate her dragons, so they can stop bringing trouble? The rest of the episode focus on Tyrion's judgment, one of the most fake events of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei had it all set up, along with Tywin, Varys, Meryn, Pycelle and, for the public's surprise, Shae. Tyrion reveals what he's been taking for so many years: the fact of being a dwarf, of his mother's death after his birth, and all the plan that practically everyone in the court was ruling against him. Game of Thrones keeps itself very realistic - and fictional too, that's the interesting things about the series, what makes GOT's heart beating. Congratulations, cast, staff, and George R.R.M. And thank you for another stunning moment of entertainment.
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